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Korea-France Hold Discussions around Collaborative Initiatives in the Marine Sector, including Conservation of Marine Biodiversity

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- Minister Cho Seung Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries attends Korea-France Marine Academic Forum -
- - Expecting collaboration with the French government, the host of the upcoming 3rd UN Ocean Conference -


  Minister Cho Seung Hwan of Oceans and Fisheries will be attending the 'Korea-France Ocean Forum' to give congratulatory remarks at Yonsei University, Seoul on June 12th (Monday), at 9:30AM.



 In his remarks, Minister Cho will introduce the efforts of the Korean government in fighting the challenges of climate change, including the signing of the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) Treaty for the protection of marine biodiversity, the Ministry's plan to expand marine protection zones, and developments in eco-friendly vessels and blue carbon technologies.



  The upcoming forum is hosted by the French Embassy in Korea and the National Natural History Museum of France and sponsored by the Kering Group. In addition to the French Ambassador to Korea Philippe Lefort, Director of the National Natural History Museum Bruno David, Vice-President Kim Eun Kyoung of Yonsei University, French Ambassador for Polar and Marine Issues Olivier Poivre D'Arvor (expected to attend remotely), and Minister of State for Maritime Affairs Herve Berville (expected to attend remotely) will also be attending the event.”



  The forum participants will hold discussions over two days from June 12th to 13th, on topics including ▲ the conservation of marine biodiversity, ▲ the relationship between the ocean and the mankind, and ▲ raising public awareness on the importance of the ocean.



  During the event, Minister Cho will express the Ministry's intent to “take on a leadership role in global discussions around challenges faced by the marine sector, such as responding to climate change and preserving marine resources, together with Korea's plans to host the 10th Our Ocean Conference in 2025” while calling out for “collaboration with the French government, who are scheduled to host the 3rd UN Ocean Conference."